Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
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Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Vintage sundial
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Antique astronomical instruments/3039-Gift box

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146201212745734Code 3039 Vintage sundialVery rare tilting sundial, brass engraved, signed Chevallier M.bre de l'Athénée des Arts (1802-1833), in its original turned mahogany box. Sundial has in the base a compass from 0° to 40° for orientate it. Gnomon is represented by a little bird, engraved brass, that project his shade on a dial with scales indicating hours in Roman and Arab numbers. For a correct reading of time sundial must to be oriented to the North, using compass. Diameter cm 9 - inches 3.54.

From antiquity to the present day sundials were made in different types, shapes and sizes, such as portable models that performed the functions of our wristwatches and pocket watches. Different people and different cultures have also adopted various ways of measuring time in relation to their needs: we can still observe ancient sundials that do not follow the hours that we use today (astronomical hours) but, for example, Babylonian hours, Italian hours, canonical hours, etc.

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Antique astronomical instruments

Code 3039 Vintage sundial

2e-Shop1Antique-astronomical-instrumentsCode 3039 Vintage sundial
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Antik Arte & Scienza sas di Daniela Giorgi - via S. Giovanni sul Muro 10 20121 Milan (MI) Italy - +39 0286461448 - - - Monday-Saturday: 10am-7pm