Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
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Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Shepherd sundial
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Antique astronomical instruments/3040-Gift box

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146201212426734Code 3040 Shepherd sundialVertical sundial or shepherd sundial signed Robert Henry a Paris, Palais Royal horloger au n. 164 of the first half of the nineteenth century. Usually these sundials were in boxwood and were used by shepherds in the area of the Pyrenees. The time scale is marked on the outside of the vertical cylinder. The gnomon is projected horizontally from the top and when the sundial is not used it is retained within the column. Very good condition. Height cm 12.5 - inches 4.92, diameter cm 3 - inches 1.18.

Henry (or Henri) Robert, a famous French clockmaker (1795-1874), had both studied under Abraham-Louis Breguet that Frédérique Louis Perrelet, before opening his own business in the Rue de Valois (Palais-Royal) in 1832. In 1834 he moved to the Rue du Coq and he took part a few years later, in 1839, to the Universal Exposition in Paris. In 1845 he moved again, in the Rue Richelieu, becoming in the meantime Horloger de la Marine and Knight of the Legion of Honor. In later years he moved twice more, first in the Rue Chabanais (1860) and then in the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré in 1867, when he was reached in the activity by his son, also Henry. Robert is the author of several treatises on clockmaking, as the Etudes sur diverses questions of d'horlogerie in 1852, and of several articles of the Encyclopédie modern.

From antiquity to the present day sundials were made in different types, shapes and sizes, such as portable models that performed the functions of our wristwatches and pocket watches. Different people and different cultures have also adopted various ways of measuring time in relation to their needs: we can still observe ancient sundials that do not follow the hours that we use today (astronomical hours) but, for example, Babylonian hours, Italian hours, canonical hours, etc.

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Antique astronomical instruments

Code 3040 Shepherd sundial

2e-Shop1Antique-astronomical-instrumentsCode 3040 Shepherd sundial
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