All categories/Nautical antiques/Code 5740 Dollond telescope
All categories/Nautical antiques/Code 5740 Dollond telescope
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Nautical antiques/5740-Dollond telescope
Nautical antiques/5740-Dollond telescope
Nautical antiques/5740-Dollond telescope
Nautical antiques/5740-Dollond telescope
Nautical antiques/5740-Dollond telescope
Nautical antiques/5740-Dollond telescope
Nautical antiques/5740-Dollond telescope
Nautical antiques/5740-Dollond telescope
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1504274969Code 5740 Dollond telescopeBrass and leather telescope signed Dollond London, made in the mid-XIX century. Focusing with three extensions and with sunshade extension. Maximum length cm 54, minimum length cm 17, focal diameter cm 4. With brass and wooden support made to measure. Very good condition and perfectly working.

John Dollond was born in a Protestant family coming from Normandy, that because of its religion has moved to England. He had an attitude for mathematics and astronomy, so he decided to begin to make instruments with his son Peter (1780-1821) that has studied optics and mathematics, and in 1752 he started a very successful business. From 1753 John Dollond made detailed report to James Short and to other members of Royal Society in London on his discoveries and his innovating technical choices. For example he patented and commercialized the achromatic telescope, after many studies of him and other important scientists in Europe.

The legend tells that a day in 1608 the son of an optician in Middelburg, Hans Lipperhey, playing with some lenses of his father, put a concave lens near his eye, having in the hand the other convex lens: with his arm stretched to the point of the cathedral’s bell tower, he saw the weather-cock larger and nearer. He showed it to his father and he fixed these lenses on a small board, making easier the observation, creating the first rudimentary instrument for optical approaching. But Lipperhey was unlucky, in fact when he sent in an application to General States of Holland for the patent for this new optical instrument, in a few days some other opticians claimed this invention.

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Nautical antiques

Code 5740 Dollond telescope

2e-Shop1Nautical-antiquesCode 5740 Dollond telescope
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