All categories/Old medical instruments/Code ocu16 Antique tonometer
All categories/Old medical instruments/Code ocu16 Antique tonometer
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Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
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Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
Old medical instruments/ocu16-Antique tonometer
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1529510132Code ocu16 Antique tonometerSchiøtz tonometer, in its original wooden box with satin and velvet interior, made of metal and complete with accessories; in the lid there is also the scale on graph paper to process the results of the measurement. The box is signed Professor Schioetz's Tonometer; German manufacture of the early 1900s. Box cm 16x7.5x2.6 - inches 6.29x2.95x1.

It's an instrument used to measure the intraocular pressure by measuring the depth produced by a load of a known weight on the cornea's surface. It was invented by the Norwegian ophthalmologist Hjalmar August Schiøtz, who presented it to the Norwegian Medical Society on the 10th of May 1905.

This instruments consists of a curved base (cool, dry and sterilized before use) placed on the cornea of a supine patient. A weighted plunger attached to the base sinks into the cornea. Then you can read how much the plunger sinks into the cornea and obtain, using a scale, the measure of the intraocular pressure.

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Old medical instruments

Code ocu16 Antique tonometer

2e-Shop1Old-medical-instrumentsCode ocu16 Antique tonometer
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