All categories/Nautical antiques/Code 7922 Sextant Antique
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Code 7922
EUR 1800.00
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EUR 1800.00
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1716390502Code 7922 Sextant AntiqueBrass sextant signed R. Jmme Berlin n. 2578 from the second half of the 19th century, complete with two optics and housed in its beautiful original mahogany wood box with handle, locking hooks and brass hinges. Engraved silver flap and vernier, wooden handle, 3 colored glasses for the fixed mirror and 4 for the mobile one, two telescopes, one of which is long with rack focusing with adapted thread, a microscope for reading the vernier graduated from or to 150° and index and horizon mirror. A plate placed inside the lid reads: R. JMME Mechanische optische Werkstaff fur nautische Precision Instrument BERLIN N.W. 6 Marien Strasse n. 29. Conservation status: Good, fully functional, complete with custom-made support base. Box measures 28.5x 26.7x14 cm – 11.3x10.5x5.5 inches.

The sextant is an optical instrument used in astronomical navigation to measure the height of the stars above the horizon, in order to obtain the geographical coordinates relating to the ship's point. It has the shape of a circular sector of 60°, i.e. one-sixth of the circumference, hence the name, at the vertex of which is pivoted a mobile alidade on which a mirror is fixed which rotates with it. On the back of the mirror there is a support with a telescope oriented towards a second mirror, silvered only for one half, which allows you to simultaneously observe the sea horizon, in alignment, and the pointed star, whose image is reflected by the fixed mirror to the alidade and then to the silver part of the mirror. By adjusting the position of the alidade index it is possible to make the image of the horizon collimate with that of the celestial body and obtain the angle between the horizon and the celestial body on the graduated scale of the 60° sector. To measure the height of a star (for example the Sun) with a sextant, place the instrument on a vertical plane and, looking through the aiming device, sight the horizon line visible through the non-silvered half of the fixed mirror. By moving the alidade, with which the mirror is integral, the light rays coming from the celestial body and subsequently reflected by the mobile mirror and by the silvered half of the fixed mirror are sent back by the latter in the direction of observation: if you look through the aiming device, you see the image of the star, obtained by double reflection, coinciding with the horizon line. The height of the star is expressed by the angle whose value is read on the graduated scale. The filter is used when the star to be targeted is the Sun.

It was Sir Isaac Newton who invented the principle of double reflection in navigational instruments, but this research was never published. Subsequently, two men, independently of each other, discovered the sextant around 1730: John Hadley (1682-1744), English mathematician, and Thomas Godfrey, (1704-1749), American inventor. But only in 1758 did Admiral John Campbell carry out a series of tests at sea to test a new method that relied on lunar distance as a means of calculating longitude. This is how the sextant was developed. Initially made of brass, they had scales divided with great precision by mathematicians who made scientific instruments.

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Nautical antiques

Code 7922 Sextant Antique

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Antik Arte & Scienza sas di Daniela Giorgi - via S. Giovanni sul Muro 10 20121 Milan (MI) Italy - +39 0286461448 - - - Monday-Saturday: 10am-7pm